Seems that We always meet our friend Gui in India. Guilherme e brasileiro, mas e a segunda vez que encontramos com ele na India. A ultima vez foi em 2001. Crazy!
Nikos just turned 6 in India. We had a little party with his friends. Loroc, Luisa, Sajan, Savita and Bo. O Nikos fez 6 anos no dia 18/12, fizemos uma festinha pra ele com as criancas que ele conheceu aqui em Auroville. Pizza !
This is the Blue elephant in Pondichery. If you give him some money he will bless you with a tap on your head. Esse e o elefante azul em Pondicherry, se voce der uma moedinha, ele te toca na cabeca com sua tromba. Ele e considerado um elefante sagrado.
It was raining for 2 weeks, now it is getting better everyday. After 30 hours in the airplane, it was a bit disappointing to see the rain for all this time. We are in Auroville, close to Pondichery in South India, 3 hours from Chennai. Nikos does not like the food in India. He is going to School for 3 days now. They teach Tamil and English.